Master-SIL Food SR

transport and suction hose for powders and liquid medias in the food industry
pharmaceutical industry
chemical industry
machine construction, for the conditioning of cosmetic products
when fitted with adequate connections the hose can be cleaned in place
- the raw materials comply with the legal foodstuffs directives:
- FDA-directives: 21 CFR 177.2600 for further information see register no. 28.13
- smooth internal and external
- very flexible
- small bend radius
- taste and odourless
- gas tight
- steam cleaning resistant
- optimum flow characteristics
- good chemical resistance
Index Number:
Product Description
Silicone pressure hose, food quality (FDA)
hose wall: multilayers polyester fabric coated with translucent silicone, food quality (FDA)
spiral: non rusting spring steel wire (material no. 1.4310)
Temperature Range
- -60°C up to +200°C
- intermittent to +230°C

- stainless steel embedded spiral
- hose wall: multilayer construction made from silicone coated fabrics in food quality (FDA)
- smooth internal/external
- wall thickness 4.5 mm + 1/-0.5 mm